Forest Brothers

Forest Brothers Q & A, a bit more about the background and the quirkiness of the author

I have included this link about the Next Big Thing in my latest Q&A session. I would take part, but couldn’t find any authors to take up the mantle following me! Anyway, here are the questions.   The Next Big Thing, for those who don’t yet know, is a way to network with fellow writers […]

Forest Brothers

Forest Brothers progress

Hello and sorry for the long delay. December was a blur, I had a chest infection before Christmas and a heavy cold for the rest of the year. Good times! The book has progressed through another edit. The delay is that after each edit, we do another read through – or at least if there […]

Forest Brothers

Forest Brothers gets closer to publication.

One of the real eye-openers to this whole journey was just how many changes were needed. It’s not being too sloppy, but I know the story, I know the words. I can only edit in short bursts before my mind takes over and runs some videotape of a movie of the event. Estonia comes alive […]

Forest Brothers

Forest Brothers gets to final edit and more news

Nearing the final lap. I have now submitted my final draft to the editor for her to add her own tweaks. The story feels really good now and has benefited so much from last summer’s trip across to Estonia and the chance to visit places and generally ‘feel’ the land. To me, if you are […]

Forest Brothers

Forest Brothers gets closer to publication

Following a meeting with the Kay, the editor of Circaidy Gregory Press, I can say we are hurtling along at a pace in getting the e-book ready for Christmas. I am on my final edit. the one with the fine toothcomb and the realisation:  no matter how many reads you do, you are so close […]

Forest Brothers

Forest Brothers – the novel is coming very soon! Estonia, midges and all…

Last leg of the final edit of the story and there is a quiet delight at how far I have progressed with it. The mission now is to complete the latest edit and watch out for the many things you assume are there – punctuation marks are so easily missed over. Also, in Estonian speech, […]

Forest Brothers

Update – Forest Brothers novel, a new novel and short story

It’s been a busy week! After a long period of inactivity on the Forest Brothers project, I received back the start of the final edit for the manuscript. It’s now looking nice! A bit more detail following my latest trip to Estonia and the Metsavennad part of the story feels much better to me now. […]

Forest Brothers

Forest Brothers – interviewing the author

Q) What is the book about? A) In a sentence – One man’s struggle to fulfil his destiny. It’s a combination of action, adventure and a flavour of romance Q) Where is it set? A) It is set in war-torn Estonia in 1944. The German Army is in retreat and the Red army is advancing to […]

Forest Brothers

Softly, softly

My lovely editor-to-be passed me back the manuscript of Forest Brothers last week, corrected, amended and with suggestions. I spent a hard week reworking it and spent some time correcting the piece, taking the opportunity to correct some Estonian spellings and a few character name tweaks. One of the main issues has been working with […]

Forest Brothers

Feeling the land

It’s been a busy time these last six weeks, unfortunately a lot of which focused on the death of my father aged 82. One thing I have managed to do though is visit Estonia in its beautiful summer glory. It gave me an opportunity to soak up the atmosphere and think about aspects of the […]