
Feel free to contact me using the form below and I will try to get back to any enquiries or comments as soon as possbile.

7 replies on “Contact”

I have just written a long account of my self and my father in WW! and lost it all. I am not going to write it all again but I will say this – why isn’t a TV company chasing you for the filming rights to the story of Dafydd Thomas and Gwen Jones?
My phone number is x I am not a TV company I live in Llanilar.

Thank you so much for your message. Film companies are always welcome to come and chat! From my limited experience and talking with other authors, it really is down to being in the right place at the right time with the right script hitting the right desk!! One thing I have found hard in the current pandemic, is getting the word out about the book – especially away from the area. That is something I continue to persevere with.

Dear Geraint, having just read and enjoyed ‘The turn if the wheel’, I’d like to order the two sequels, ‘By the banks of the Rheidol’ and, ‘The long way home.’ On your site you have an offer to buy both together for £15. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get this option at checkout.
I’d be grateful for some assistance, please.

Many thanks,

Jane Rosser


Thanks for the message. It hasn’t been published yet. I want another continuity/proof read by myself on it. Had a bit of an edit and I want to make sure it all reads well. I am hoping for release in time for Summer.



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